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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

6 Meals A Day?

What's up with the 6 meals a day diet?

Let me explain to you why you hear so many people saying that you have to eat 6 meals a day to lose weight. It is not about the number 6 or having exactly 6 meals a day! Tests have shown that it takes the average person about 3 hours to fully digest what is in their stomach. Research has also shown that keeping your metabolism working all day will cuase it to continue to work while your asleep and burn either FAT or WHAT'S LEFT IN YOUR STOMACH. So if you have read my other article "When to stop eating at night" you might see the connection there becuase I talk about not eating within 3 hours of going to sleep!
Let me explain a little more. You do not want to eat 6 huge meals and or 6 tiny meals, actually half of the time you will just be snacking, not eating a meal! You still need your 3 main meals.. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. These meals should be at a reasonable proportion and have all three of the following.. Protien, vitamins and mineral rich food like fruits or veggies, and some but not too much complex carbs. For dinner you really don't need much complex carbs at all, stick to lean protien and veggies! If you are unsure about what complex carbs are, or simple carbs, or even good lean protiens.. check out and contact me, I would love to help you as much as possible.
So now we have our 3 main meals, why are they saying 6 meals? Ok well a lot of people work right? A lot of people eat breakfast when they wake up, but then don't eat lunch for another 6 or 7 hours, and then eat a huge dinner at night! This is horrible when it comes to being a fat burning machine, especially if your snacking on crap you know you shouldn't have during the day. Here is the good news.. you should never be hungry! What I'm trying to say is use all the info I've told you so far.. check it out- If research shows, after 3 hours your stomach will be empty, and research also shows that you want your metabolism constantly working to burn the most fat while you sleep, then you should be putting healthy foods in your body about every 3 hours! Now this is not an exact number, you may be hungry after 2 hours. Ok then after 2 hours snack on something healthy, let that digest and then snack again when you get hungry. Before you know it, it will be time to take your lunch! Do the same thing untill dinner, and if you have an early dinner you may have to snack one more time before you sleep, but try not to eat anything within 3 hours of going to bed. Just remember this, your metabolism is like a fire and to keep that fire burning, you have to put more wood (aka healthy food) on it just before it starts to go out. This will cause your metabolism to continue to work super hard and burn fat while you sleep since you have nothing in your stomach after the 3 hours! Get it?
So what I'm trying to say is you must understand how your body works.  Don't worry about making sure you eat exactly 6 meals a day, becuase you may only need to eat 5 times, or you may need to eat 7 times. It all depends on your main three meals, and what your healthy snacks are, and what your activites are thruought the day. So please understand that when you are hungry, you should eat something. This is great news for those who think starving yourself is how you lose weight, for most people know by now that you will in the end putting the weight back on by doing that, and you would have suffered in vain!!
If you need help thinking of ideas for healthy meals and or snacks I would be more than happy to help you! Contact me @ or if you would like a nutrtion and fitness program made 100% custom to your needs and schedule please check out this website I can help you over the internet whenever you need me 24/7!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Clearing Up The Confusion on When To Stop Eating at Night

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When to Stop Eating!!

Ok so yes most of you know by now that at night is the worst time to pig out or get drunk or give in to those munchies! But you also may have heard something like "it's best to not eat after 7pm" Well that is not entirely true. The rule is you should be eating all day to keep your motabolism going strong, but you want to go to bed on a somewhat empty stomach so that you burn fat in your sleep for energy. Since your body is undergoing a ton of changes while you sleep, it is still using energy and burning calories. If you have food in your stomach it will use that, if you don't it will use stored fat! So a more acurate rule is to not eat for about 3 hours before going to sleep. If you stop eating at 7 but go to bed at 12 you will be starving all night and that also can slow down your motabolism and cause your body to store more calories as fat. But if you know your going to be sleeping by around 12 lets say, then stop eating at 9... get it? So if you have dinner at 7, feel free to have a nice low calorie preferably high protien and or vegatable snack 3 hours before you think you will fall asleep, and then stop eating. If you get too hungry and have to cheat, cheat with something low to no fat, high in protien and low to no carbs. Something like veggies, or non fat cottage cheese or yogurt is good, but no fruit!! No Sugar!!! Ok I hoped that cleared up the rule for most of you! Happy eats!
Adam Kipling is The Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles! Dont' believe me?  Visit

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Add HIIT To Your Weekly Cardio Routine

Add HIIT To Your Weekly Cardio Routine

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High Intensity Interval Training

  That's right HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. What exactly is that and how does it work? Let me explain.. but first let me use an illustration. When your in your car, when do you burn more gas.. when your going 70 on the highway just cruising, or when the light turns green and you go from 0 to 60? That's right, you burn more gas when you step on the gas! It's the same with our bodies, we burn more calories when we step on the gas! So in other words, we want to add sprinting to our cardio routine, and INTERVALS. An interval is a period of time while doing cardio that you push your body almost as hard as it can go, but then the key is to slow down and let your heart rate go back down. The reason we want your heart rate to go back down, is so we can raise it again. You burn more calories bringing your heart rate from 90 to 180, than you do from keeping a steady pace with a heart rate at 155.
   The key here is to confuse your body! Jogging for an hour will not confuse your body at all. With each interval you have 3 variables you can play with to confuse your body; Speed, Incline, and Duration. With each interval you do, you should change one or 2 or maybe all three of these variables. Depending on what type of shape you are in, your intervals should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. Lets say you do your first interval for a minute at a speed of 7.0 and an incline of 2.0... a good idea for the next interval could be keeping the speed and incline the same but doing it for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Or you can keep it at a minute but bump the speed up to 8.0. And the same goes for the incline becuase the incline makes it tougher as well!
   Besides the fact that HIIT has been proven to get amazing fat burning and incredible V02 level increasing results, one thing I love about it, is you get it done much quicker. You should only perform interval training for between 10 to 25 minutes. You can go longer if you really want to, but 25 minutes is all you need. If your pushing yourself harder and harder, you can make 10 to 25 minutes really count!
Now I'm not saying that this is the only type of cardio you should do from here on out. Remember I can't stress enough how important it is to confuse your body. By adding HIIT to your routine, you will be gaining better results from your low intensity long duration cardio training. Your body will get confused going from one day jogging for 45 minutes to doing intervals the next day for 20 minutes. Keep your body guessing in all you do and I promise you will get the results you've been working for!!

Please contact me if you need more information or have any questions about this or anything health and fitness related at

I am also an online Personaly Trainer and can be your own over the internet Persona lTrainer where you will have 24 hour support from me, custom nutrition programs and workout programs designed just for you every single week at

God Bless, I hope you all enjoy good health!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another Great Fat Burning tip!!

Amazing New Fat Burning Weight Loss Tip!!

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Walking early for amazing Fat Burn Effect

 Remember how I told you how important it is to have a low blood sugar level when it comes to burning fat and losing weight?  And how grapefruit and cinnimon and other foods help you keep a low blood sugar level.  Well this leads me in to another very powerful yet very unkown tip that I promise if your able to do it, you will see results quickly. 
Your blood sugar level is at it's very lowest when you first wake up!  Think about it, you've been fasting for 7 or 8 hours, your body is doing a ton of maintenance and repairs and changing while you're in la la land dreaming about swimming in a pool filled with chocolate milk! Wait that's my dream.. anyway.. when you wake up your blood sugar level is extremely low!  Does that mean you should work out first thing in the morning?  Maybe, but to get an intense workout you are going to need energy, and we get energy from food, and food raises our blood sugar level.  So I would not recommend going to the gym when you first wake up without eating anything, but here is what you can do for amazing results!  If you have the time before work or if your able to wake up a little earlier than usual then do this..  Drink about a half a cup to a full cup of black coffee.  You can put a little milk in there but black coffee is better, and the key is to not sweeten it even with artificial sweetner becuase it is still not 100% clear if artificial sweetner raises your blood sugar level.  Anyway the reason for the coffee is to A) help you wake up and B) the cafeine will increase your fat motabalism!  That's what we want right??  Ok, so you drank the coffee, now what?  Go for a nice brisk speed walk!  Do not Jog!! We want to keep the intensity low!  Why is that you ask.. well there is a threshold where if your cardio or heart rate goes past a certain level, you will start to burn calories from carbs rather than from fat!  You still burn calories from fat when doing intense cardio, but you really really target them while keeping the intensity low.  Hence the reason why walking is a great thing to do for anyone at any fitness level.  I see body builders in my gym walking on the tredmill on a high incline rather than running, becuase they know this tip and they want to target calories from fat! 
So lets go over this again.  You wake up with an extremely low blood sugar level.  You drink a half or a full cup of black coffee to kickstart your fat motabalism.  You then go for a nice brisk walk, preferably with some hills involved, for about a half hour to 45 minutes.  This will not only burn a ton of calories from fat early in the morning, but it will also have those endorphins kicking in nice and early and that is a great way to start the day.  If you are able to do this a few times a week to everyday, I promise you will lose weight much faster than you are already.  You have to add this to what your already doing, don't substitute it for your workout out, but add it to the mix.  And please remember this... It's not how you start the day that counts, it's how you finish it.  This is an amazing way to start the day for burning fat, but you still have to eat healthy and be discipline all the way untill you go to sleep that night.  You can easily ruin the whole day of work by eating what you know you shouldn't late at night.  And what is it that you know you shouldn't eat?? All that junk that RAISES THE BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL!! 

I hope this tip helps.. if you have any questions about this or want any other free tips like right now feel free to contact me at

Also If you need more help than just tips, and can't afford  or have time for a Personal Trainer, try this.. I can become your trainer via the internet where you will have 24 hour support from me, and workout programs and nutrition all laid out for you every week at this new great website..
Good luck everyone!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mental Tips for a Better Workout

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Mental Tips for Working Out

Think about the muscle your working while you perform the set
Being focused in the gym is very vital for getting the best workout possible. If you look around the gym while working out you will see people socializing, texting, and resting way to long. You will also see people that are focused, with headphones or not, thinking about form and giving each set their all. Now focusing on each set is obviously important, but what do you focus on? First it's technique and form and range of motion. Once you feel very comfortable with an excersize, you can take your attention off of technique and zero in on the muscle you are working. It has been proven by studies, and by my own personal experience, when you focus on a paticular muscle while performing an excersize, that will allow you to make minor adjustments to target your muscle even better and get results from your workout. For example, If you are trying to tone up your chest and decide to do cable cross overs, and you want to burn away some lingering fat on the sides of your pecs, think about that specific area. Target it with your mind. Your muscles are made up of fibers and they go in all sorts of different directions. Your pec is not just one slab of meat, it's made up of fibers that you can target on different sides, top and bottom, or inside and out. So If you stay focused and zero in on exactly where you want to see results, you will have much better luck.
Push your body past it's limit-- don't worry about doing 12 of each set
Another mental aspect of working out is psyching yourself up not out. Before each set, think about something that gets you pumped for the set. Too many times I hear from clients "this is too heavy" or "theres no way I'm doing 12" stuff like that kills me. Your in the gym to become better than you are today. You have to get pumped about that. There is nothing magic about doing a set of 12. The number 12 means nothing to me. Each set you should be giving your all. If you can only do 10 but we know that you gave it your all, thats great, you pushed yourself to the limit and now your body will adapt. So if you don't have a trainer, and your keeping track of your own progress, push yourself to the limit always. You are wasting time if your just trying to do 3 sets of 12, looking around, texting, not really pushing yourself but rather going through the motions. Don't waste your time, get pumped up and leave it all in the gym!
Trick your brain and body into doing more reps
This leads to my last tip.. set your goals high. It makes me laugh every time I tell someone to do a certain number of.. lets say.. push ups. If I know they can do 50 pushups, but I say "give me 40" they get exausted by 38 and barely push out the last 2. But If I say give me 50, they fly right past 40 and get tired around 48 or 49! Why is that??? I'm not 100% sure, but I do know that it proves how important the mental aspect of working out is. Tell yourself to do more than you think you can do. Surprise yourself, aim high, and force your body to adapt by pushing it past it's limit!
I love this stuff if you can't already tell and I want to help as many people as possible. Contact me with whatever questions or concerns you may have. Let's all "STAY PUMPED"!! And be safe!! cContact me on either email or
My website is
And I train people over the internet through fit orbit.. check it out..

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Great Excersize for shaping your Butt!!

Tip For Getting a Great Butt!!

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Squats and Split Squats for the Butt!

So remember how I told you about how working out the legs is going to burn a ton of calories and also help tone up your entire body? Well here's a way to work the legs and also work the butt muscle especially hard! This will kill about 4 birds with one stone!! You will be burning a ton of calories, building fat blasting muscles, working on endurance and your cardio vascular system, and you will be targeting the Butt which will give it a nice size and shape.
I have had plenty of guys not just women tell me they want to have a nicer butt. I hear it all the time with women, but it also feels good for us guys to hear compliments on our butts!! Anyway, women, this one is mainly for you guys since you may not be used to these two excersizes. I'm talking about doing both squats and split squats. You can do these with a barbell on your shoulders or with dumbells by your sides. When doing squats remember to stick your butt out and down rather then just bending your knees for your knees should never pass the toes. (for proper excersize instructions) On split squats you will have your feet spread apart almost like your doing lunges, but your mainly just moving up and down with a little bit of a foward motion to really hit the butt on the push back. (for proper excersize instructions) Always think about the muscle your trying to hit, that will help you adjust your motion to target it better. I recommend doing 2 sets of 12-15 squats with light to moderate weight, then do 2 sets of 12 split squats on each leg with light weight. If you want or need more in depth explinations on how to properly do these two excersizes, or for more tips on the spot contact my email
If done properly, you will feel your butt sore like you've never felt it before. You will also feel a roundness and a firmness that you've been hoping for! I have plenty of more tips on targeting the butt so please feel free to contact me, but definately keep checking back for I will be giving tips out every week!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Benefits of a Bootcamp!

Working out at a gym is great and will by all means get you the results if you know what your doing.  But what about a bootcamp?  First what is a bootcamp?  A bootcamp is usually held outdoors at a park or on the beach and is for a group of people all shapes and sizes.  It's for all fitness levels and its for anyone and everyone whether you workout at a gym or not at all.  Usually ran by one or two instructers, they will have you moving for an hour strait.  The best bootcamps are not the ones where you are being yelled at but rather cheered at and motivated to keep going.  Some people need to be yelled at, but most people enjoy and use encouragement.  The amount of calories you can burn at a bootcamp is up to you.. how does over 1000 sound??  You will be doing excersizes geared towards blasting fat and building strength and flexibilty.  You can do it with freinds, co workers, or a group of strangers/future freinds.  The hour will fly by and at the end you will be tired but feeling great about yourself.  Bootcamps are offered in either a package of sessions or you can go once a week.  The benefits are through the roof results and weight loss.  Like I said, no matter what your fitness level, a bootcamp will be challenging and get you the results you need.  I hold bootcamps all across LA and I gaurentee not only a fun enjoyable experience, but a better quality of life with the results you will get.  Contact me and lets get a group going near you.  Price is very affordable and referal plans are always an option.  Bring down 2 people and you are free!!  Contact me to learn more about my bootcamp and how we can set one up near you or near your work!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Low Blood Sugar Level for FAT LOSS

A lot of people have heard that eating a half of grapefruit with every meal can help you lose weight, but do you know why or how that is? It's all about having a low blood sugar level. When your blood sugar level is low, you will burn more calories from fat than you will from sugar and carbs. Grapefruit along with many other foods like certain veggies will lower your blood sugar level or atleast help keep it low. The best thing for keeping it low is.. drum role..... not eating sugar!!! You want to workout with a low blood sugar level to ensure the calories your body is using is from fat.. stored fat that is. There are ways to boost your fat motabolism, but I will save that for another blog so keep checking back!!
So keep that blood sugar level low.. eat plenty of veggies.. work out .. eat your grape fruit.. also cinnamon is great for keeping blood sugar levels in check. Lets BURN FAT.. LOSE WEIGHT.. GET FIT and LOOK YOUR BEST!! Lets get it!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Grape fruit helps keep your blood sugar level low which will help you burn more calories from fat!

Fat Burning tips!!

Keep checking back for I will keep posting fat burning tips that can all be used to shred fat quickly to rach goals within a time frame.  If you have an event coming up like a birthday or wedding, contact me and I will help give you the tools you need.  I live for helping people look and feel their best.  Let's burn fat, lose weight, build muscle and build a lifestyle that keeps giving back!  Email me for free advice!

Online Personal Training!

I will Get you to where you want to be with the help of the amazing program Fit Orbit over the internet.  Meal Plans, Programs that fit your schedule, and unlimited access of support with me as you track your progress through ought the week.  Check it out!!


While you seek that PERFECT BODY and try and BURN FAT and DROP THAT BMI I am seeking to become the BEST TRAINER IN LA. Well do I have a tip for you. I'm sorry but it is not a quick fix or an easy way out, but it is the truth. You will have to put in the work, but it's totaly worth it and you will LOSE WEIGHT FAST. We all know that in order to lose weight you have to consume less calories than your body usually gets right? Or you can eat but then burn a ton of calories and lose weight right? Well lets just assume your doing your best and eating healthy and all the right foods for the most part. How do you BURN THE MOST CALORIES IN THE GYM? It's all about WORKING OUT THE LEGS!! Yes cardio is great, but its even better and burns even more calories when done on tired legs! Weight lifting is great and builds muscle and muscle burns fat and calories, but what part of the body burns the most fat and calories? You got it.. its the legs!!! If you do some leg presses, some squats, some walking lunges, and tire out those legs good, then go do some cardio, I promise you will burn calories faster than a Hummer burns Gas. Not only that, but there is an after burn effect to working your legs with weights. That means you continue to burn calories even when you leave the gym for up to 24 hours sometimes! So why dont people work their legs?? Becuase it hurts. But thats only in the beginning. Learn to love the pain and the pump like I do, and you will be looking great in no time. I, Adam Kipling, who is a personal trainer at Equinox in West Hollywood lost 30 lbs in 2 months by working out my legs and running afterwards. It works trust me. 100 percent of my clients get results. Check back for more tips on BURNING FAT, WEIGHT LOSS, MUSCLE BUILDING, and GETTING THAT PERFECT BODY!!